October 22, 2024

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ATR - Accuracy, Timeliness, Responsiveness

Defined Contribution Services

ATR provides a wide range of professional services for qualified and nonqualified defined contribution plans, including:

  • Plan Design
    We work with your company to understand your business needs and expectations for the plan. We explain how available design features operate to meet these needs and to fulfill expectations. ATR sponsors a prototype document and works with others' documents.
  • Recordkeeping Services
    We provide all of the services you need to record each participant's retirement investments accurately and timely. We provide answers timely and responsively to your questions and to participants' questions.
  • Plan Accounting
    We are knowledgeable, skillful professionals who create and operate accounting processes to give you the flexibility to use the options that best fit your needs. We are diligent in applying appropriate controls to maintain the highest levels of accuracy in all of our work.
  • Compliance Services
    We understand the rules and tests that apply to plans such as annual deferral limits, compensation limits, nondiscrimination testing, maximum annual additions, top heavy status, loan limits and more. We work with you to maintain full compliance with Internal Revenue Service and Department of Labor requirements.
  • Reporting
    We custom craft reporting to you and to participants to present the information we maintain in the formats you find easiest to understand and of greatest value.
  • Self-Directed Brokerage Accounts
    We have extensive experience in accounting for these accounts within the framework of qualified plans.
  • Nonqualified Plan Administration
    Our flexibility and expertise let us support the wide variety of nonqualified plan designs, accounting procedures and tax requirements. We work with unfunded and funded plans.
  • Audit Support
    We understand the information requirements of a plan's independent auditors. We work with them to help them complete their assignment quickly and efficiently with minimal involvement of the plan sponsor.
  • Interactive Communication Services
    We provide custom Web applications to bring you and participants closer to plan information. We also provide custom interactive voice applications using toll-free telephone access.

Consulting Services

ATR also provides professional consulting services covering employee benefits, payroll, human resources and technology. Our consulting projects have included operational efficiency of administration, total benefits outsourcing, market review and analysis, product development, recordkeeper selection, technology review and selection, regulatory compliance strategy and employee benefit software design.

  • Vendor Selection
    We lead you through a formal process of selecting a vendor that best fits your business needs. We work with you to understand your priorities, your needs and your decision-making style. We then coordinate a resulting search that brings you together with the market place in an frank and honest dialogue. We participate in vendor analysis and negotiation to get you the most value while laying the foundation for a long-term, mutually rewarding business relationship with the vendor.
  • Business Analysis
    We conduct business analyses in our industry to better understand plan administration markets, competitors and applications of technology.
  • System Design and Specifications
    We work with companies and vendors to build systems that meet special needs or to build products that bring more value-added services to plan sponsors and participants.

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550 American Avenue • Suite 300 • King of Prussia, PA 19406
Tel: 610-337-7270 • Fax: 610-337-7222

Copyright © 2000-2024 ATR, Inc.